CONJUNCTURED: Where Physical Space Met Cultural Revolution (Austin, 2008-2014).
Conjunctured was one of the original 50 coworking spaces in the world (Today there are 30,000+ spaces globally) . Launched two years prior to the founding of WeWork. We operated for 6.5 years and grew to three locations across Austin, Texas. This website serves as museum (of sorts). Don’t miss the awesome Flickr gallery of photos.
Thoughts & Commentary
Coworking is for company employees, too.
Companies and employees have both begun to hear the buzz around coworking… And now there is a experimental methodology for companies interested in stepping into the coworking waters. OpenWork Agency has recently published an article outlining a program that helps company employers incorporate the coworking model into their existing workplace strategy. Read it here: Coworking for…
The Coworking Industry: Then, Now, and Tomorrow
The OpenWork Agency has published a new coworking white paper entitled The Coworking Industry: Then, Now, and Tomorrow. (OpenWork was founded two years ago by two Conjunctured partners.) Here are some excerpts from each section of this 15 page report. If you want to read the whole thing in full, simply download the full Coworking Industry…
Conjunctured house closing its doors. Going #Nomatik to open coworking model into greater society
Conjunctured, Austin’s first coworking space and one of the original coworking spaces in the world, will be closing its doors at the end of August. Conjunctured first pioneered the coworking movement in Austin six years ago, when coworking was a brand new concept. Over the years, Conjunctured has explored expansion several times. In 2010 the…
The Real Artisan Economy
By Drew Jones Earlier today we visited several working studios in Arroyo Seco, NM, in between the town of Taos and Taos Ski Valley. Within this smallest of hamlets, there are numerous working potters, weavers, and craft brewers who are making a living working directly with their hands. Over the past several years I have…
Grassroots community, the Kansas City Startup Village, coworks in one of Sprint’s corporate creations – in an uncorporate collaboration.
The idea for the event came up when Erik Wullschleger, general manager of the Sprint Accelerator powered by Techstars, grabbed coffee with Marcus and fellow Kansas City Startup Village co-leader Adam Arredondo. “We have this really cool space and want to put it to work, so why not move KCSV for a day?” Wullschleger said. “Whether…
Far Beyond the Cubicle
By Drew Jones On Thursday of last week I was fortunate enough to participate in a panel discussion about the future of work and corporate coworking at Workspring in Chicago. Using my new book, The Fifth Age of Work, as a jumping off point, we had a panel of some really amazing folks threading together…
Phoenix innovates traditional library model, integrates coworking
“We want people to talk in here,” said Claudia León, business librarian at Burton Barr. “This is a unique kind of concept. It’s basically just a place for people to come in and network with other people. A discovery space. Phoenix, which operates the library, partnered with Arizona State University to create the Hive. It’s…
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