JellyinDenton kicks off


This past Thursday (Sept. 4th), I spent the day in Denton, TX, about an hour north of the mid-point between Fort Worth and Dallas. I was there helping the community break in the idea of coworking through the town’s first ever JellyinDenton.

It’s great to see the Jelly concept spread around since we’re huge proponents of Jelly around Conjunctured; without Jelly, Dusty (who started JellyinAustin), David, John and I might not have come together.

The event was a huge success from what I observed. Stormy Shippy (yes, that is his real name) did a great job as host for the Jelly meetup and for showing us around town after the laptops were closed, post-Jelly (Jam?).

The absolute best part of the trip for me was reading the local paper in the morning and seeing the front page article, above the fold, recapping the event; this shows that the city is very supportive and totally “gets it.”

We wish nothing but the best of luck to Stormy and his friends up north. It’s great to see a group take the coworking concept and totally run with it. I see a really successful future for this community and am really excited for them. 🙂







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