BarCamp San Antonio


If you’ve been keeping up with tweets and RSS, you’ll know that last Thursday I was at the first-ever JellyinDenton.

On Saturday, as a part of what I’m now deeming my “Texas Two-Step,” I drove down from the DFW area through Austin, on to San Antonio to attend their first ever BarCamp San Antonio. There were talks on podcasting, branding, Ruby on Rails, email marketing, BIL & TED and more (yours truly led a discussion on how to build communities using online and real-world tools).

Early in the day, our pal, Joseph Lopez (from Austin/Austin 3.0), instigated a great panel about how to bring about a creative space in San Antonio—whether that meant a physical space like Conjunctured or Bryan, TX’s Creative Space or how to push the city to become more of a creative class city—a “space” where creative types of all industries want to flock. The exchanges I observed in the discussion were nothing short of amazing; it was really cool witnessing a community mobilizing first-hand.

Throughout the day, rumblings of JellyinSanAntonio and a formalized coworking space occurred between me and members of the San Antonio community, most likely as a result of Joey’s discussion. While San Antonio is setting a goal for having a space by 2009, one awesome announcement of the day ensures that they’re well on their way. Connie Reece, Austin (and the world’s) social media maven was in attendance to announce the creation of Social Media Club San Antonio. With the people who’ve stepped up to take the reins on this initiative, San Antonio is going to no doubt have a great SMC presence. Congrats!

It was great to get a sense for what is happening around this great (giant) state this weekend, specifically in the respective tech sectors. Things are happening around here, y’all. Stay tuned for some Texas-sized awesomeness. 🙂







4 responses to “BarCamp San Antonio”

  1. Connie Reece Avatar

    I have to agree that the first BarCamp San Antonio was a great success–congratulations to the organizers. Thanks for your kind words here, Cesar. I wish I had gotten there early enough to join in on your presentation!

  2. Cesar Torres Avatar

    Connie, the event was a blast! I am super excited to see how San Antonio progresses.

  3. Isosisledly Avatar

    Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
    And according to this article, I tottaly agree with your opinion, but only this time! 🙂

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