Category: Coworking
SXSW 2011 Brings Together Global Coworking Community
Despite the geographic distance between coworking spaces worldwide, coworking space owners and community managers have done remarkably well at maintaining and building an online community of support to help one another grow the coworking movement. It’s not every day that you get to take a thriving online community and see it happen first hand in…
14 Reasons Why Joining a Coworking Space Beats Renting Your Own Private Office Space
For the past two years I’ve heard loud and clear (direct from Conjunctured members) why coworking is the way to go for them. We’ve been open for a little more than two years now and I’ve spoken with just about everyone that has walked in the front door. Members, visitors, and I have discussed all…
Behind the Scenes: Conjunctured’s Launch a Business Night
Last week, a group of six Conjunctured members (Gavin Todes, Ross Barbash, Ben Wills, David Walker, Marcus Mateus, and Shelly Leonard) got together with the end goal of launching a business by midnight. We had a well-rounded group with many areas of specialties from marketing and copywriting to website development and SEO. We started around…
Coworking’s Best Friend
Recently posted some photos of some of the various furry friends we’ve had coworking along side us at Conjunctured. I really think more offices should be pet-friendly as it really improves the vibe of the place—gives the place more life and a fun attitude! Austin already is a very pet-friendly city and I’m starting to…
A Year in Review at Conjunctured Coworking
Howdy there and happy 2010! Hope the year is going well for you so far! As for Conjunctured, we’ve come a long way since our opening in 2008. And we owe it all to the supportive tech, entrepreneur, and social media community here in Austin. That, and we’ve worked pretty dang hard to keep things…
7 geeky things I love about coworking
One of the coolest things about coworking to me personally is seeing how others manage their workflow and taking the things I learn and integrating them into my own methods. Call me crazy geeky, but here some of little things that I love that I’ve experienced at Conjunctured so far: Taking a glance at how…
JellyinDenton kicks off
This past Thursday (Sept. 4th), I spent the day in Denton, TX, about an hour north of the mid-point between Fort Worth and Dallas. I was there helping the community break in the idea of coworking through the town’s first ever JellyinDenton. It’s great to see the Jelly concept spread around since we’re huge proponents…
Jelly at Conjunctured
We had a great turn out at our first Jelly hosted at Conjunctured. Around 15 people showed up! Thanks everyone! If you’re not familiar with Jelly, it’s an every-so-often casual coworking session. Anyone is welcome to come, bring your laptop, art supplies, or whatever, and work alongside other creative, fun people, for free! We streamed…